Amber Rae Paschke
I am a graphic designer in central Ohio
I earned my Associate Degree in Digital Design from Columbus State Community College in May 2021.  I also have a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Kent State University.  This has helped me develop strong problem solving skills, which are vital for a good graphic designer.
Through the process of earning my degree in digital design, I’ve discovered that I love illustration!  I enjoy creating very detailed illustrations, like the Cedar Waxwing on my Columbus Audubon poster.  I also enjoy simpler illustrations that involve character design, like my panda character illustration.  I even enjoy illustrating letters!  I have been interested in handlettering since I was a little girl, and now I can turn an original piece of handlettering into a digital illustration, such as the logo for my Orange Organic Produce, Co. project.  I can also turn a standard font into a shape in Illustrator and alter the letters’ shapes to fit my needs like I did for my personal logo.
Since earning my degree, I have had internships with three companies.  The first company is a nonprofit called Athari Group, a group that helps nonprofits in the idea stage start their nonprofit.  I designed a website for a man in Kenya for his foundation Activate Action,  I was also an intern for Super Purposes.  Super Purposes currently uses a style for their photos which they call “comicization”.  This process makes a photograph look as if it could be in a comic book.  Examples of this can be found in my portfolio.  Now I am an intern for the Raymond A. Wood Foundation.  
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my portfolio.